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供应 690自粘防水阻尼胶片

所在地域:上海 上海市 松江区
TOP BEST-690自粘型阻尼胶片 TOP BEST 690 Self-fusing Damp Butyl Sheet 一、 产品概述: TOP BEST-690 自粘型阻尼胶片是以丁基橡胶为基材的不干性片状密封材料,具有良好的粘接性,耐候性、耐老化、防水性能优异,是各种商用车必用的一种减震、补强、降噪、隔音材料。 1、 Description TOP BEST-690 is a type of solvent-free, non-spoliation sheet sealing material which is made from high quality rubber, plasticizer, etc, it has good performance on adhesion, acid and alkali resistance, ageing resistance, UV resistance, waterproof, and so on, and it is one of the best damping, reinforcement, noise reducing material. 二、 应用范围: 汽车车身、汽车空调、车内地板钣金箱体铆接之间密封、减震、隔热。 2、 Application area: Sealing, damping, heat insulation for auto body, auto-condition, floor of car. 三、 使用说明: 将所需尺寸及厚度的胶片,撕去防粘纸,粘附在应用部位并压实即可。 3、 Usage Tear off the release paper, sick to the application place, compact it. 四、 产品规格: 5*70*105mm,3*50*700mm or new dimension according to customer’s draw. 五、 储存: 储存期24个月。本品非易燃品,但不要接近热源,防止阳光直射,以免变形。 4、 Storage Shelf life is 24 months. This product is non-flammable materials, but don’t store them near the heat source, and prevent them from direct sunlight in order to avoid distortion.
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vip 上海科建化工有限公司
电  话:13524282558
所在地:上海 上海市 松江区
地  址:上海市松江区小昆山镇光华路150号
邮  编:201614
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